One of the elements of my advertising campaign would be a YouTube advert. I did some research and found out that according to the poll from 2012 (US voters reported by Mashable), people are willing to watch about 15 seconds of an advert. That is why I decided to make mine short and instantly interesting to attract the attention. It’s a simple stop motion sequence that I edited in Photoshop and put together in Adobe After Effects. The objects are bright and vibrant, which might keep the viewer focused throughout the whole video.
Advertising options on YouTube provide different possibilities according to the budget that we are willing to spend. If someone skips the advert before it reaches 30 seconds, or before it ends (if shorter than 30), the system doesn’t charge us. After I entered my video link to the YT advertising panel, it resulted in an information that I’d have to pay 8,04 pounds everyday for extra 500-600 daily views.